amendată de Protocoalele nr. 11 şi 14
însoţită de Protocolul adiţional şi de Protocoalele nr. 4, 6, 7, 12 şi 13
измененная и дополненная Протоколами № 11 и № 14
в сопровождении Дополнительного протокола и Протоколов №№ 4, 6, 7, 12 и 13
- Carta Europeana a Autonomiei Locale
- Европейская социальная хартия (пересмотренная)
- Carta Socială Europeană (revizuită)
- European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols, 3 september 1953
- European Social Charter, 26 february 1965
- Congress Recommendation 159 on “Regional ombudspersons: an institution in the service of citizens’ rights”, Strasbourg, 5 november 2004
- Joint declaration of the Swedish association of local and regional authorities (SALAR) and the Congress, in co-operation with the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Stockholm, 6 October 2008
- Congress Report on “The links between local and regional democracy and human rights -contribution of the Congress to the Forum for the Future of Democracy”, Strasbourg, 11 May 2007
- Congress Report on “The role of local and regional authorities in the implementation of human rights”, Strasbourg, 1stMarch 2010
- Congress Resolution 296 on “The role of local and regional authorities in the implementation of human rights”, Strasbourg, 19 March 2010
- Congress Recommendation 280 on “The role of local and regional authorities in the implementation of human rights”, Strasbourg, 17 March 2010