Pe parcursul acestei săptămâni, în peste o sută de localităţi şi regiuni din statele membre ale Consiliului Europei, au loc manifestări şi activităţi de celebrare a Săptămânii europene a democraţiei locale, ediţia 2013. În anul acesta SEDL s-a asociat Mişcării împotriva discursului de ură, lansată de Consiliul Europei, care de asemenea organizează o Săptămână de acţiuni destinată să sensibilizeze despre pericolul discursului de ură asupra democraţiei locale.
European Local Democracy Week 2013 “Active citizenship: voting, sharing, participating”
This week events and activities are taking place in some 100 towns and regions in the member States of the Council of Europe to celebrate the 2013 edition of the European Local Democracy Week (ELDW) on the theme: “Active citizenship: voting, sharing, participating” (14-20 October). In addition, for the first time, ELDW welcomes as a partner the No Hate Speech Movement of the Council of Europe, which is also holding an Action Week to highlight the threat of hate speech to local democracy.
Dubravka Suica, Spokesperson on ELDW for the Congress, has addressed a letter of support to all partners congratulating them on their creative ideas to celebrate this year’s theme. The 2013 edition already includes some 200 activities organised by 100 partners, including 18 "12- Star"cities, 44 communities and 34 associations, representing some 11 500 000 citizens. “I am impressed with the range of events that are organized to interest and motivate our local communities. There are debates; poster competitions; election challenges; videos and video competitions bringing citizens of all ages together with local representatives. These can be seen by everyone through our ELDW hub which not only advertises the events, but can also be used as a “knowledge-network” to inspire and encourage our future ideas and activities,” she stated.
The Congress initiated the ELDW in 2007 as a voluntary movement to improve the effectiveness of local governance. The aim is to promote dialogue between local elected representatives and citizens in an inclusive democratic process. This initiative complements a priority mission of the Congress which is to improve the quality of local and regional democracy, principally through monitoring member States’ adherence to the European Charter of Local Self Government, which celebrates 25 years in force this year.